
Joanne — Expectant Mum

“I was 27 weeks pregnant when i was diagnosed having Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (PSD) which is an extremely painful and debilitating condition. Physios had sent me on my way with exercises telling me to come back 6 weeks after the birth. By this time i was on crutches and in constant pain. I could not believe nothing could be done. I researched on the internet and a few sites suggested chiropractic can help alleviate the pain. I noticed a little improvement each time I was treated, i didn’t need crutches after 8 weeks and I was able to deliver the baby normally, something my midwife was concerned about before i started chiropractic.

I no longer have any pain thanks to the wonderful treatment that I received from all the doctors and staff”.

Claire Skuse — Age 25

“I am able to do a lot of things that I could not do before I came here. I could not see an end to my back pain”.

Charlise Adams — Age 28, Midwife

“I have been treated since Feb 2008, after hurting my back whilst at work. Back pain is debilitating and so painful. I had a very thorough consultation. I initiated over a year of excellent chiropractic treatment. I now am pain-free and so grateful for the excellent care I received. I am my normal, smiley face and no more tears! No better way to spend money than to fix me and ensure I can deliver babies until I’m very old!! Thanks Will, you are fab!”.

Catherine — Age 45, Police Officer

“I had suffered for over 6 years with back pain and numbness in my arm and hand which prevented me from being fully operational. I thought surgery was the only option. After 4 months of intensive treatment I am now pain free and able to return to full police duties. Thank you!!”.

Mr G.F. — Manufacturing/Driver

“Although still having occasional back ache I now have much improved movement. I find that I sleep more restfully and suffer far less with cramp and “shooting pains” in my legs. Following the general improvement in my posture I have regained nearly ¾ Inch in height!!. Everyone at the clinic is helpful – professional, cheerful. Very pleasant surroundings and the program has been very beneficial to me. I should have considered it years ago.

Helen Herd — Age 62

“Chiropractic treatment has given me back quality of life after years of chronic pain and ineffective physiotherapy treatment. I can now turn my neck, have much less pain, increased flexibility, stamina and strength and a general feeling of well-being”.

Ron Burtenshaw — Age 68

“After being treated at this practise I have so much more mobility in my neck after not being able to turn my head at all! I feel so much fitter than before and would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody involved in my care.

Dawn Light

“I would like to thank you for what you have achieved with my neck and thoracic spine. My husband wanted me to see you a few years ago, but I had had physiotherapy and osteopathy, I did not think a chiropractor would achieve anything. How wrong was I and how i wish I had seen you sooner. I can now turn my neck to the left and right and it does not cause me pain. I stand up straighter and my spine does not feel stiff and I do not feel as if a pair of hands are on my shoulders trying to push me over. I do not now wake up in the night with dead fingers. I do my exercises twice a day because I know it will stop me from being stiff”.

Mark Hollingworth — Age 28, Chartered Surveyor

“I had, in the past, suffered from back pain on and for a number of years. More recently I had started running again and experienced severe back pain. A thorough diagnosis here at Ridgeway provided me with a comprehensive overview as to what was wrong with my back. I am now well on the road to recovery and already suffering a lot less back pain”.

Stephanie Burrows — Age 65

“Lower back problems began in my early 20’s, progressively worsening and restricting my lifestyle in the next 40 years. Now I’m almost always pain free and with monthly maintenance I have the life I should have had all those years. I cannot thank Simon enough”.

Gerri Fitch

“It is with great pleasure that I write this to thank Ridgeway for the great help they have given me in getting back to walking upright again. For the last 5-10 years my back has caused me immeasurable pain and difficulty getting about, especially climbing stairs. “Now thanks to Will I am even running up stairs. Life is really beginning to feel pretty good again!....Now all I need is to be 30 years younger and a new face – How about it guys, you have worked miracles so far?”.

Grace Hill — Age 67

“For years I have had pain in my hips and lower back and I couldn’t turn my head left or right without being giddy or almost falling to the side. I couldn’t use stairs, up or down, because of pain. Six months of headaches as well. I came to the chiropractors and after the second session the head pain had GONE.

...Now I can walk up and down stairs. I have now been to Norway and climbed the mountains. I am very pleased to have so much normal movement again. 99% better. Thank you all”.

Brian Burrows — Age 67

“I woke up one morning with a stiff and painful back and thought nothing of it. A few days later the pain increased in intensity and I knew I needed help. I was looking for an Osteopath when I saw the Ridgeway Advert. After reading it I contacted them and got an appointment for the following day. After a thorough examination on the day I started a course of treatment with some exercises. The treatments have done wonders as I am now pain free and walking up-right again (I couldn’t at first). Along with the treatment I was also given good advice which I have taken onboard. Thank you so very much Ellie. I would certainly recommend Chiropractic and Ridgeway Chiropractic to anyone who might need to use them.”

Norja Richardson — Medical Secretary

“I have suffered with severe lower back pain for a number of years. I had tried anything possible to get it right. I came to Ridgeway Chiropractic and was treated by Simon. I am now 95% pain free and getting on with my life.

Mike Mattingley — Age 45, Development Engineer

“After nearly 6 years of persistent and virtually daily headaches following a cycling accident, and having endured multiple GP/Hospital visits and treatments. I’ve been almost headache free since chiropractic treatment started. The change has enabled me to start enjoying life again”.

Debra Armstrong — Production Operator

“I was having very frequent and severe Migraine attacks, on a bad week I would have 4-5 attacks in one week. I have been hospitalised on three occasions due to migraines. Whenever I went to my GP my medication dosage just went up and up. The migraines were starting to take over my life. A friend recommended I see a Chiropractor as he had successful treatment at Ridgeway Chiropractic. I started the treatment, I had one migraine at the start of the treatment but have now been completely free from migraines for months and I now feel in control of my life instead of the migraines taking control. I have learnt that all these years I have had the symptoms treated with painkillers. But with Chiropractic treatment the root cause has been found and treated. Many thanks to your team for giving me back my health.

J Rawlings — Age 66

“After 6 weeks of being housebound through illness I decided to try Chiropractic. Thanks to the friendly and welcoming staff at Ridgeway I am out and about again after only one month. Many Thanks”.

Lucinda Green MBE — Six-time Badminton Winner

"Until I visited Ridgeway I thought that finally age had caught me and pain was going to become both a sleeping and walking partner. It's only after a few treatments that you realise his stiff your body was and how you had gotten accustomed to it."

Caroline Powell — Team New Zealand - Olympic Bronze Medal 2012

As a professional rider core stability and alignment is important. I can thoroughly recommend Ridgeway Medispa who not only corrected my posture, but worked on my core to allow me to perform much better.


"I came seeking help for my arthritic ankles. I have very little swelling now after 8 treatments and, they used to ache a lot before but now there is no pain. I can move them better. I am very satisfied with what I am having, I hope Mediloop works for everyone."


"I just wanted to tell you that since my Mediloop treatment my shoulder is now 100% !! I would advise anyone to try it as it has been a long time since I have had no pain in my shoulder joint."


'For over two years I have suffered with severe sciatica pain. My job as a taxi driver made matters worse due to long hours sitting down. I thought I would never be able to be pain-free again. After hearing recommendations about Mediloop I decided to give it a try, and the results were fantastic! I felt so much better after the first session, and after just four treatments I feel as I almost never had any back pain.'


"Have now had 2 sessions on the Mediloop on a tennis elbow injury I have suffered with for 8 months. It is amazing, no pain at all! What a fantastic machine."


"I had suffered with a painful right shoulder joint for a long time and although my GP tried some medication it only had partial affect. I saw the advert about Mediloop, read up about the process and decided to try it. Since using the loop treatment my shoulder stiffness has improved dramatically and I have less pain on movement."


"I came in with stiffness, very painful knees and could only walk slowly. Since using the loop the stiffness has improved a lot and my knees are less painful. I am now back to my normal walking pace."